The terms of delivery for each product are displayed on the product listing on the marketplace. Please pay attention to the terms and methods of delivery of goods before confirming the order.
The “order within” countdown timer offers the window of time in which you need to place your order to get your shipment by the date shown.
That delivery date might become not available within that window of time due to modifications in stock or shipment capability prior to you position your order. If you order consists of products that aren’t qualified for ensured delivery, delivering choice “Ship my items as they appear” is chosen.
Your credit or debit card must be successfully charged before the due date showed on the checkout page.
The assurance does not use if we miss our promised delivery date because of an unanticipated scenario beyond our control, such as a strike, natural disaster, or serious winter storm. Likewise, delivery scans might be unreliable.
A tried shipment on or before the ensured shipment date satisfies our shipment assurance. A deal by the carrier of a delivery consultation on or before the guaranteed shipment date meets our delivery assurance.